Day Five!

Day Five


Game Map

I made the games map. Following this mood board;


I think I did pretty well. It looks nice, conveys medieval farmer. I might add some story to it in the form of text at the start, I don't know yet. I'll know more when I'm done writing this so check tomorrows Task List.



That is a close up of the house. As I said, I think I did pretty good.

UI Alteration

I made a way for the player to tell what season it currently is and a way to tell what season a particular crop grows in. 


I also added a way to skip the day if you are done doing what you want for the day and don't want to wait. The Skip Day button is also a bug fix for a weird bug that I have absolutely no idea how to fix. There will be a period, while you play, that when you try to water the plot it will just soft lock you in that UI. I have no idea how to solve that SO I made a fix where you can just skip the day and remove the widget. That said, you can't interact with that plot again but it's a gigantic farming area so not a total loss. 


Functionality Change

Plants grow when morning comes. Originally, I was using Tick Events. In small scale tests it worked just fine, but when I started planting more than five crops the game would break. I removed all Tick Events for the plots and crops and updated the functionality to fit. It works pretty well if I do say so myself. 

Balanced Crops

It should take either the half of the year or the whole year to Level Up (unlock new crops and increase your water capacity). 

Background Music

Looping background music that fits the theme. I figured out the bug from Hero Impervious and solved it here. I used the Wild Music Pack from Tom Feldmann on GameDevMarket. 

Movement Controls

You can move left to right, up and down and you can move the camera around. That last part is where the trouble comes in. The movement reverses when you turn the camera completely around and when you turn it 90 Degrees the controls get almost even more weird. That said, I plan on fixing that tomorrow.

Main & Pause Menus

I made them but entirely forgot to implement them. I'll implement them tomorrow.


I could not get anyone to play test today, I'll try tomorrow. I have D&D tomorrow and the person who play tested last time is going to be there and I can also ask perfect strangers to do so as well while I'm there.


Task List

Implement the Main & Pause Menus

Fix the movement controls

Get We Built This City - Farmer

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